

We value your money and to give evidence we offer money back guarantee. Hence we would do anything and everything that is legitimate to help you learn, grow and climb up the career ladder.

The crew members driving Ocean English Academy come from varied and rich backgrounds such as education, marketing, image consulting and training. We are committed to transform an individual from nothing to something with the aim of changing their perspective towards life and career. We keep a dual focus on both visual and soft-skill components of a personality development. Since the advent of Ocean English Academy, it has been our bedrock principle to ensure that we will not compromise on the quality of our deliverables. Hence after a stringent review of the applications and post subsequent discussions, we hire a trainer who plays a crucial role in the overall development of an individual.

As mentioned above, we have roped in trainers from different walks of life who not only bring a vast and varied experience, but are also well educated and well informed about career trends. Our trainers are not mere trainers, they are prolific speakers and are able enough to make sure that a student receives attention as well as motivation because motivation plays a major role in encouraging a learner to learn.

Our team is dedicated and will spare no pains in the discharge of the responsibilities diligently, devotedly and efficiently. It is our prime focus and a penchant quality that we believe in sharing skills and competencies.